PinnedPublished inWrite A CatalystLearn how 46% of American companies are saving $25–$70k using just ONE AI toolby taking this FREE workshop…Jan 25Jan 25
PinnedWelcome & Start Here! — Shea JohnsonHow to navigate my medium profile & get the most out of it!May 22, 20246May 22, 20246
PinnedPublished inAbout Me StoriesAbout Me — Shea JohnsonI currently help aspiring solo entrepreneurs use AI tools to help them start their businesses.Apr 30, 20242Apr 30, 20242
Published inILLUMINATIONThe Veteran in My BackseatHis story meant more to me than he knew it didJul 30, 2024Jul 30, 2024
Published inCurated NewslettersHow One Woman’s Passion for Black Social Work Changed My LifeMeeting Malaka MimsMay 29, 20245May 29, 20245
I Just Woke Up From A NightmareSometimes, I wake up from my sleep to voices and sounds, as if an exorcism is being performed right inside my home…May 17, 20245May 17, 20245
I Almost Didn’t Go… But When I Did, I Showed Up DisheveledHow to create courage when you can’t find itMay 14, 20241May 14, 20241
Why I Am Ditching the Desk Job for a Steering WheelThe importance of finding work we are willing to doMay 14, 20242May 14, 20242
If You Love Adventures and You Want to Get Paid for It… Drive for UberI wake up to a job, never knowing what the day will bringMay 14, 2024May 14, 2024
When Your Uber Passenger Calls You “Bitch”At first, I almost left him to himself and whatever he was fiddling with in the back seat.May 14, 2024May 14, 2024